This is going to be pretty 'barracksy' init's explanation of my seroquel haze.
Damm.... KS will outlaw cannibis, synthetic cannibis.... but allow meds that make you black out!!!
yippie!!! shoulda stayed on em!!! Then it would have been legal for me to injure people at work and on the road! Or have people look at me like im a freak cause i had to take off for a while...
Why are mental disabilities treated like shit while physical ones are put on pedastals with special needs???
Don't work in "At Will" states. they ARE NOT EOE. THEY ARE LIERS
mother fuckers.
Well, the Seroquel Haze
a while ago i started on 1/2 pills of the 50 mg doses. I had bad musus reactions for a few minutes, then horrible, horrible flue like reactions. Sleeping for ever, haze, dull thinking capabilities. Math was slow, I really had to focus on focusing, (if you understand that), so hard to maintain even one train of thought, or just daze off into dream land. There were no thoughts sometimes.
Once I got to the 50 mg, the smallest, i was dull most of the day, getting near amnesia like qualities - i ended up in the right place, but don't remember the drive. I've gone on auto pilot before, but realized it and can still look back in my minds head. Notice times when I need to be more consiencious. But this crap, after around 15 days or so? I was beaing nearly amnesiac!!!!
And THIS is better for us? The FDA says it's cool??? But the dude in California, doing something legal there, is fired for being on cannibis. But it would be cool for me to work, cause this is legal... more stoned and drunk than that cat was and would forget what i was doing and just walk around and bump into people and waste work time and get fired for being lazy and useless.
I need to leave KS as soon as I can! Not even with the back up I have medically for my condition do I get to have jobs - the Napolianic complex, the depressed or manic fundamental cycles, the bursts of irrational impulses that aren't fully controlled, sometimes even the major motivational changes because of a fundamental mood change (i'm mixed states, but when a true full depressive cycle hits, there goes motivation fur sure!!) grumpy looks, whatever. They just don't want to work with you. I've been fired for things that I can related back to problems that occur with this disorder. Even when they know, they find ways to "not need you" anymore... really, really going to hate being here for a while.
Going to HAVE to have a job for this Fulton crap, Im sure...
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